What Is Really Getting In Your Way - Free Julie Nicholls Webinar

What Is Really Getting In Your Way - Free Julie Nicholls Webinar

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The world is hard enough as it is, so why do we make it harder for ourselves and beat ourselves up? 

As it’s April now, think of any New Year’s resolutions you made at the turn of the year. Did you follow through? Did you take action? Or are you feeling bad because you didn’t?  

Beating ourselves up doesn’t change our decision making, or change our behaviour. It can show up in stress and even presenteeism or absenteeism at work. It generally means poor productivity.  

Can you relate to any of these: 

  • Are you tired of feeling between a rock and a hard place or like a square peg in a round hole? 

  • Are your internal dilemmas such as guilt, perfectionism and procrastination sucking your time and energy? 

  • Are external conflicts and frustrations with team members or management keeping you up at night? 

  • Are the work/life ‘balance’ strategies you’ve explored not really working well for you and feel like you keep going round in circles? 

Julie is an author and business award winner, with 30 years' experience in healthcare. From her nursing career, she quickly developed a knack for treating the root cause of problems, rather than simply dealing with symptoms. Through her common sense, yet radical approach to peak performance, she has helped thousands of people reach their dreams, even when they thought it was impossible. 

During Julie’s webinar she will share with you:   

  • How to minimise conflict around you by understanding people’s real driving force, especially your own. 

  • Tackle mental chatter to reduce stress, dilemmas, doubts and procrastination and get better sleep. 

  • Approach changes or difficulties from a completely new perspective and get you and your team back in the comfort zone so you all perform better. 

  • How you can utilise resources you already have to help you and others perform better. 

  • The easiest and fastest way to relax and get to sleep. 

Attend this webinar and you might win a one to one coaching session for completing the survey! 

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