Attention Not Time Management

Attention Not Time Management

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Whether for business or other activities everyone has probably heard about the power of “FOCUS”.

It's based on the same principle of a magnifying glass that allows you to concentrate rays of diffused sunlight into a force powerful enough to start a fire.

Attention Management: gaining and maintaining a mono maniacal attention, is the common denominator of successful individuals, teams, and organisations.

Which of these resonates with you:

•           Attempting to do too much

•           Frequent distractions and interruption

•           Firefighting most of the time or moving goal posts

•           Procrastination, putting things off and indecision

•           A lack of energy or motivation


So, if you are someone who wants to Be more, Do more, Create more, and Have more with Less Stress, join this webinar to learn:

•           Gain insights into the science of attention and how to leverage it for productivity.

•           Learn practical techniques to minimize distractions and enhance focus.

•           Discover the positive impact of attention management on overall well-being and work-life balance.

•           The law of specificity and avoiding common mistakes

•           Engage in a Q&A session to address specific challenges and concerns.

Register for the FREE webinar here  

Thoughts on Thursday webinar speaker (Thursday April 4th 11:00am UK time) is Jim Hetherton, whose learning & development career spans over 40 years. During this time, he has impacted the lives of over 100,000 people worldwide and made a huge difference to their organisations, through his keynote speeches, public seminars, and custom on-site programmes.

For more information please send a message via the Contact Us Page. Or you can register for an upcoming webinar.

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