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CRG Personal Style Indicator (PSI)

CRG Personal Style Indicator (PSI)


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The Personal Style Indicator (PSI) is a scientifically developed, self-administered, and self-scored learning and communication instrument. It is not a test that can be passed or failed. This online self-administered and self-scored assessment helps you discover your natural preferences towards time, people, tasks, and situations. Participants identify their specific PSI style pattern(s), which assists them to instantly understand their strengths and potential challenges so they can be more effective at work and at home.

Use the PSI to:

  • Identify your basic personal style, which is the way you prefer to respond to time, people, tasks, and situations.
  • Gain self-understanding and self-acceptance and greater appreciation and acceptance of others.
  • Recognize the consequences and effect of your interpersonal style and the effect your personal style has on the way you relate to others.
  • Discover your typical reactions to stress and pressure and learn how to compensate for your weaknesses.
  • Better understand the style tendencies of others and learn to interact with them more effectively, to promote harmony and increase your credibility.
  • Increase your productivity and success by sharing a common language when talking with others about the style behaviors that are preferred at home or on a particular job. 
  • Determine your preferred work style and work environment to more intentionally select the best job, role, and/or career for you.
  • Develop a plan to increase your style-flexibility and effectiveness in relation to tasks and in your interactions with others.
  • Facilitate team development through the careful assessment of team-member strengths.

Complete online now for instant results:

The CRG Online Personal Style Indicator (PSI ) can be completed 24/7 if you have an Internet connection. The online version automatically calculates your scores and determines which of the 21 PSI style pattern(s) apply to you. Most individuals complete the Online PSI in less than ten minutes. The Online PSI includes all the content of the print-based assessment plus the PSI In-Depth Interpretations that reflect your specific results, Your results are stored in your very own Individual Learning Center where you can view, print, or email them to anyone at any time. The Online PSI can also be completed as part of any Corporate Learning Center (CLC) and stored for use by that individual, group,or organization. The Online PSIis a powerful option that enhances any virtual support, coaching, career, training, and/or educational process.

The PSI In-Depth Interpretations is included in the price:

The In-Depth Interpretation pages (PSI–ID) are an essential companion to the Personal Style Indicator. With 48 pages, the PSI In-Depth Interpretations offers an expanded 2-page description of each of the PSI proprietary 21 style patterns, with focus on the following:
  • Strengths
  • Common Areas of Difficulty
  • Reactions to Stress
  • Team Functioning and Compatibility with Other Styles
  • Leadership Implications
  • Increased Effectiveness
  • It also includes a section on "Developing Your Plan to Increase Effectiveness"
Unlike other personality assessments, the PSI directs you to the style pattern(s) that specifically apply to you. The added benefit of the PSI In-Depth Interpretations is you have all 21 style patterns in one booklet, providing instant access in a seminar or workshop format. Many clients use the PSI–ID as part of a team-building or relationship-development process where you read the style patterns of others, instantly increasing your understanding of their style.
Use the PSI to:
  • Improve your recruitment success rate
  • Clarify your career choice
  • Building your teams
  • Improve your Leadership
  • Enhance Communications across your teams
"Participants were intrigued with the work they did on the Personal Style Indicator, As each person began to understand their strengths and areas to improve, they were able to recognize strengths in others and how each could be motivated."
Pat Tonn,
Youth Development Specialist
BC Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, and Food
"I have used several "personality style" indicators. I found the Personal Style Indicator developed by your company to be a better fit for business use than some of the high priced professional personality inventories I have used in the past. 
J. Lawrence Dressor, President
Sales and Marketing Executives, Tacoma, WA
"While I consider the MBTI to be a very effective tool for providing quality feedback, it can be very cumbersome to use. Participants frequently struggle with grasping the interrelationships between the four different continuums and rarely remember their type after one exposure. On the other hand, participants easily understood the Personal Style Indicator and style-shifting. More importantly, because of it's practical, straight forward nature, I believe participants will be able to easily use the PSI back on the job."
Michael Kossler, Employee Relations
GTE Telephone Operations, North Area
"... tools such as the Personal Style Indicator and the Self-Worth Inventory have many applications for our business, both in terms of organizational development and for working with health care and human resource professionals.”
Ruth B. Fischer, President
NutriSmart Inc.


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