The reasons why prospects won't buy
Can't always get prospects to reveal their reasons as to why they would not buy.

Can't always get prospects to reveal their reasons as to why they would not buy
If you suspect that the prospect is presenting superficial objections and that the real objection lies deeper, you should try to bring it to the surface so you can overcome it. While it remains unstated or hidden you cannot generally overcome it so the sale cannot happen.
There are only a few valid reasons or objections for not proceeding.
Easy to tell
1. No money
2. No need
3. No urgency
4. No authority
5. Not convinced of the value compared to others
6. A valid condition of sale
Not so easy
7. Don’t like you personally
8. Don’t like your company or product
9. Prefer old habits
10. Perceived threat to self image
11. All or part of the presentation was misunderstood
12. Hidden reason
If prospect's are reluctant to reveal their reasoning there are likely to be Hidden Objections or Concerns.
Why are some reasons kept hidden?
Sometimes, the prospect is ashamed to express his real objection, at times they consider the reasons to be confidential or none of the salesperson's business. They may not want to offend the sales person or may be concerned about the potential confrontation or reaction by the salesperson. At other times, they may just try and take the easiest way out of a sales interview.
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