Business Health Check

The business health check gives you a very easy way to find out how well your business is doing and highlights areas where you are strong and where your business may be more vulnerable. The questions spread across eight business areas are straight forward choices that you can answer quickly.
Why Should I Take the Business Health Check?
The business health check gives you a very easy way to find out how well your business is doing and highlights areas where you are strong and where your business may be more vulnerable. The questions spread across eight business areas are straight forward choices that you can answer quickly. You will be able to complete the questionnaire in approximately 20 minutes. Your answers produce a FREE insightful Report which you can discuss with one of our highly experienced consultants in your FREE feedback session. The score, personalised report and the one-to-one feedback will make you think. This process will add some science and benchmarking to your own intuition and while it is NOT a deep dive the process frequently uncovers the root cause of slow growth or low profitability. Armed with that information you will know, more accurately, what you need to do next to move your business forward.
In each question you are provided with a statement, and you are asked, for your business, how true it is. The answer is multiple choice, with 5 options, ranging from Never True, Rarely True, Sometimes True , Usually True and Consistently True. You can also leave comments against each question, explaining the answer you selected. Your report will be more relevant, meaningful, and insightful if you do take time to leave comments.
Your answer to each question creates a score for each of the eight areas of the Business Health Check and of course a combined score. You will see this combined score alongside some typical benchmarks once you have completed the questionnaire.