What makes your staff happy
...Or even you and me...
Here’s a survey that might make you smile, and this one’s been conducted by – of all the unlikely organisations – Three Barrels Brandy.
They asked 3,000 people what made them happy and the results were pretty wide-ranging. Top of the list was finding a £10 note in a pair of jeans, followed by going on holiday. Other pick-me-ups were getting into bed with freshly washed sheets, seeing old people holding hands (ah!) and having a picnic in the park. And here’s one for all employers to take note of: coming at number 19 was ‘getting a promotion’.
So, to make your staff happy, you do not need to give them a better job
replace the Office Christmas Party with a barbeque in the local park, or…
give everyone some fresh sheets as the ‘Secret Santa’ presents, or…
slip a tenner in their coat pockets when they are not looking…
OK, we’re being a bit tongue in cheek – what small thing could you do to make your colleagues or team happy..? Answers in the comment box below – best one wins a prize…
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