
What changes in your organisation would create the greatest advantage for you?


The cost of getting the selection wrong could be as high as seven times the annual salary, if not more

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Want to be at least 20% more productive?

Then Work from Home!


I would love to meet the person who originated the “Open Plan” office and hurt them! I know all the arguments for the open plan office, the ability to communicate, team working etc… but, and this is a BIG “but” the down side is huge in terms of distraction time, think back to a time when you either came in the office early or stayed late, did you get more done, Yes massively so, why because you were able to focus and concentrate on the jobs at hand with little or no interruptions. 

When available, the option to work from home can appeal for a number of reasons.

Home working usually provides a quiet environment with few interruptions or distractions. It allows you to get straight to work without the stress of commuting, and affords you greater flexibility with the rest of your day. However working in an isolated environment can also have its drawbacks and, over time, home working can sometimes become a lonely or uninspiring experience. Whether you work from home regularly or only every so often, following these top tips will help you to remain productive and energised throughout the day.

Create a workspace

Having a dedicated workspace will help you to approach home working in an organised and efficient manner. Ideally, your workspace at home should be in a room that is not generally used for any other function (i.e. an office or box room). However, if this is not possible, it is a good idea to set up your workspace in a section of your chosen room that is not frequently used (e.g. a quiet corner of your living room). This will help you to think of the area as ‘work space’, rather than ‘home space’ during your working day.

Your work area should be comfortable...

...with good lighting and the necessary amount of storage for you to organise your equipment and documents. As with an office desk, it is important to keep your workspace at home tidy and organised. Ideally, no one else should be in or around your workspace while you are working from home. However, if this is not feasible, it is important to establish some ground rules with others who might be at home with you during your working day (e.g. that you’re not to be disturbed while at your desk).

Equip yourself

To work effectively and efficiently at home, it is important to ensure in advance that you have all the necessary equipment (e.g. a PC or laptop with all the required software and hardware, office furniture and stationery). Frequent home workers may also find it helpful to invest in a filing cabinet and in-tray in order to keep their work organised at home. Your employer may be able to provide you with some of this equipment, so it’s a good idea to ask your manager about this before buying any such items yourself. If you use the telephone frequently in your role, and don’t have access to a company mobile phone, consider installing a separate telephone line at home in order to keep your work and home calls separate. 

Be prepared

Before you get started, it is important to ensure you have all the necessary resources and information for home working at your disposal. Take some time the day before you work from home to collect everything you might need (e.g. spread sheets, reports, presentations, contact information). Depending on the nature of the information and resources, you may need to transfer some of your files to a shared computer drive or a portable memory stick. Alternatively, you may need to take physical documents and folders home with you. 

Plan your day

Time management is an essential aspect of working from home and it is important to organise your time as carefully as you do in the office. If you have flexibility to do so, decide in advance what time you intend to start and end your day and when you plan to break for lunch. Frequent home workers may find it helpful to stick to these hours to establish a daily routine. It is also a good idea to write a prioritised to-do list each morning to help you focus on what you need to achieve. Ticking off items on the list as you complete them can be a great way of boosting your motivation throughout the day. For more on this topic, log on here. 

Keep in touch

Maintaining contact with your colleagues while you work from home is important for a number of reasons. It can help you build and maintain effective working relationships, establish a support network to whom you can ask questions and suggest ideas, and help to ensure you have a presence in your team, even when you’re not physically there. This will help you feel involved and engaged while you work from home, and will prevent you from feeling lonely or isolated. 
If you work from home frequently, it is a good idea to come into the office from time to time (if possible) to catch up with your colleagues in person and spend some time with your team. Similarly, it is important to take part in team events (e.g. training sessions, development days) whenever you can, so make sure your manager and/or team gives you plenty of notice when these types of events are arranged. 

And finally … Get dressed! 

It may be tempting to wear old, baggy, comfortable clothes while working from home, but getting dressed properly at the start of the day may help to transport you from ‘home mode’ into ‘work mode’. You may find it difficult to feel professional or efficient while working from home if you’re still in your pyjamas at lunchtime! 

We help organisations improve productivity levels, develop higher levels of customer engagement, increase retention of their top talent, and improve profitability. If you feel these are issues that need addressing in your company, please contact us.


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