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Sitting is the new smoking

Sitting is the new smoking
How sedentary are we? In a typical day we spent on average between seven and eight hours sleeping, while sitting at work is between seven and a half to nine hours, and our leisure time is anywhere between one and a half and four hours. Often we are only active for about three hours a day. 

It is life Jim - but not as we know it...

Nine Ways Excessive Sitting Can Harm YouThis sitting epidemic is wreaking havoc on our health, even daily exercise is not enough to counteract excessive sitting. Key fat burners shut off the minute we sit. Every two hours spent just sitting reduces blood flow, raises blood sugar and drops good cholesterol levels by around 20%
Health experts are now describing sitting as ‘the new smoking’, a ticking time bomb of ill health just waiting to explode. According to the Office for National Statistics (ONS) cost to the UK economy of more than £1billion every year in sick days due to back, neck and muscle problems and that figure is still rising.
A new campaign, Get Britain Standing, aims to get the nation back on its feet and help turn back the rising tide of ill health that is caused by spending too much time sitting down. They highlight three things 
  1. Costs of Absenteeism
    The Confederation of British Industry (CBI) survey, estimates employee absences incur a £15bn cost to the economy p.a. with 8.2 million works days lost each year. The TUC estimates that British businesses lose 4.9m days to employee absenteeism purely through work related back pain at a cost £5bn p.a.
  2. Cost of Presenteeism
    Reduced productivity when employees come to work disengaged or perform at lower activity levels as a result of ill health. The workplace environment including purely seated work stations are a now seen as a major contributing factor
  3. Increased Productivity, Engagement and Wellbeing
    Users of Sit- Stand workstations unanimously claim to be more alert, task-driven and positive. Research shows a direct link between healthy employees and improved performance including higher energy levels, especially in the afternoons.  Better posture and increased activity levels are known to reduce the risk of back pain. Such wellness programmes have seen falls of absenteeism in the workplace by as much as 42%. 

The Remedy: Sit less. Stand more. Start now.

Get on the move with 'Active Working' Apparently it is not new, even Winston Churchill used to stand and work at his desk...

Active Working activities include: 

  • Stand and take a break from your computer every 30 minutes
  • Stand during phone calls
  • Use the stairs instead of the lift
  • Have stand up meetings
  • Eat your lunch away from your desk
  • Walk to your colleague's desk instead of phoning or emailing them
  • Stand at the back of the room during presentations
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Guest Blog
Jim Hetherton

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