
What changes in your organisation would create the greatest advantage for you?


The cost of getting the selection wrong could be as high as seven times the annual salary, if not more

Coach or Train

What skills do your people need to make the greatest sustainable improvement?

People Skills: Building Great Relationships

Blog - People Skills: Building Great Relationships

No matter how great of an individual someone may be, they’ll need others around them to unlock their full potential. This requires people skills and in particular, the skill to build relationships. Our ability to build relationships will ultimately determine our success both inside and outside of work. However, much like any skill, developing great relationships takes time. With that in mind, here are several ways to build great relationships both inside and outside the workplace.

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Would you like £90 towards regulated training?

Blog - Would you like £90 towards regulated training?

Five years ago, Be More Effective launched a sister company called Key Performance Training. Key Performance Training provides a variety of regulated industrial sector training and certification for both employers and employees across the UK.

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Practical Thinking Tools For A Hectic World

Blog - Practical Thinking Tools For A Hectic World

As technology becomes advances, the ways we interact with one another are also changing. Workplaces are being replaced by home desks. Meetings are being replaced with zoom calls. And local business connections have turned to worldwide networks. While there are many benefits to these advancements, they don’t come without consequences

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The Benefits Of Equality And Diversity In The Recruitment Process

Blog - The Benefits Of Equality And Diversity In The Recruitment Process

Recruitment is a difficult process for many businesses. The right candidate can make or break a team, which puts recruitment teams under significant pressure to find the right person for the job. However, most businesses look at recruitment the wrong way, especially when it comes to equality and diversity. Many look at diverse recruitment from a legal position, meeting diversity targets instead of the many benefits that come with diverse teams.

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Reasons to Use Recruitment Support

Blog - Reasons to Use Recruitment Support

It’s no secret, recruitment is difficult. It’s a resource heavy process that puts a strain on your finances, time and employees looking for candidates. Recruitment can also be risky for businesses. According to the Recruitment & Employment Confederation (REC), 40% of businesses realise they’ve hired the wrong candidate within two weeks, costing them around £132,000.

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What Followers Want From Leaders

Blog - What Followers Want From Leaders

When it comes to effective leadership, everyone has a different opinion on the best leadership style. Some believe in visionaries like Steve Jobs and Richard Branson, while others look towards empathetic leaders like Gary Vaynerchuk and Oprah Winfrey. While leadership styles vary from one individual to the next, there are certain traits that followers prefer over others. These traits lead to effective teams, revolutionary ideas, and great workplace environments. But what makes a good leader?

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Flexible working uptake

Blog - Flexible working uptake

With its many benefits, we believe flexible working should be the norm - not the exception - for UK workers, and central to the creation of inclusive and productive workplaces. In the context of a global pandemic, flexible working remains as relevant as ever for both employers and policymakers. 

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Employee Health And Wellbeing

Blog - Employee Health And Wellbeing

Employee health and wellbeing should be a core element of any HR strategy and central to the way an organisation operates. This is especially critical given the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on employees' mental health and wellbeing.

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The Most Important Characteristics of Effective Managers

Blog - The Most Important Characteristics of Effective Managers

A lot has been said over the years about management styles. Some of it is true, but much of it is also misleading. For instance, it’s true that everyone has a preferred management style, however, it’s not true that you can’t change it. We all do some things naturally, though if we want to expand our skill set, then we can learn to do things in a way that supports the style that you’d like to have - the style that will make you more effective. Of course, you have to want to change, ...

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How to Make Ineffective Teams Effective

Blog - How to Make Ineffective Teams Effective

Teams have been in existence for millennia. For example, until the widespread use of the internal combustion engine, teams of animals were yoked together to provide transportation of freight and people and, to this day, this method is still used in less-developed nations as well as in communities that shun modern life such as the Amish.

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