
What changes in your organisation would create the greatest advantage for you?


The cost of getting the selection wrong could be as high as seven times the annual salary, if not more

Coach or Train

What skills do your people need to make the greatest sustainable improvement?

What kills a skunk is the publicity it gives itself

What publicity do you give yourself? I believe that it is this publicity, the reputation that you carry with you, that goes a long way to determining the level of your success as a salesperson.

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One communication problem is involvement or the lack of it

In the excitement to reveal the great new future to the masses three things are often forgotten with regard to the type of internal communication required to win over a critical mass of active supporters.

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bme client wins €15M project after bid coaching

Amazing – having previously failed to win a similar bid – this time following the involvement of Bob Hayward and Paul Etheridge of Be More Effective Ltd's a clients has just secured major €15 million bid.

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False assumptions can kill sales

A review of the sort of assumptions sales people often make that may not necessarily be true and will reduce the chance of winning new business

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What is best Multi-tasking or Batching Tasks?

What produces the greatest personal productivity, multi-tasking or batching tasks and zoning your time. It's simples really isn't it?

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How many realities are there in your organisation?

Understanding how other see things is an important ingredient in any form of communication, this article outlines some of the challenges many miss when attempting to communicate across different departments and teams.

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It is a tough market out there but there ARE opportunities

An insight into how the mind set of a sales person can significantly affect their chances of making a sale

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Want to be at least 20% more productive?

When available, the option to work from home can be appealing for a number of reasons. Jim Hetherton looks at the pros and cons

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How many ways are there to say no

How do you say "no" without insulting the other person, feeling consumed with guilt, or hurting your own credibility?

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I will call you back when I have time

How do you handle prospect when they try and brush you off

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Would you like to sell more at a higher margin?

Whether you are completely new to sales or have many years’ experience as a business owner, the Profit Secret reveals something that has been hiding in full view for years, something that frequently means we lose out on profit even though we win the sale.

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