
What changes in your organisation would create the greatest advantage for you?


The cost of getting the selection wrong could be as high as seven times the annual salary, if not more

Coach or Train

What skills do your people need to make the greatest sustainable improvement?

The Curious Case of the Unsold Products

One problem salespeople encounter is when prospects don’t buy, they seem reluctant to explain why. What do you do if you’re left in the dark as much at the end of the meeting as you were at the beginning?

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Preparation for Teamwork

In order to prepare a group to work as a team, you have to have some bona fide reasons for them to do so. Teams don’t bond overnight and the introduction of a new member can disrupt things. So what can you do to improv

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The Imbalanced Balanced Scorecard

As amazing as it may seem, the Balanced Scorecard has been with us since the 1990s. Originally thought of as the benchmark in strategic planning to draw the whole company together it does have some drawback

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How to Recognize the Best Buy Signals

Not all buying signals are created equal. If you fail to recognize when prospects are ready to buy, then you could still lose the sale. Which ones can you trust?

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The No. 1 Prerequisite for Crucial Conversations

Crucial conversations take place between two people who see important things differently. Rather than letting blood boil beneath the surface or having a dragged-out argument, how could you improve the outcomes?

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Is Goal Setting Worth the Risk?

Can goal setting ever be bad for your organization? Where do you think the idea of setting goals falls? How might goal setting contribute to unethical behaviour?

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When Objections Are Lies, and When They’re Not

As a sales person, do you ever wonder if prospects lie? The difference between outright lies and simple objections has as much to do with context as anything else; and if you assume it to be the former when it’s the la

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The High Cost of Unproductive Training

Is training productive or unproductive? Does it make your organization run better or not? Does it make any difference whatsoever? Most training does not produce much beyond happy sheets let alone ROI…

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The Past and the Future Part 2

Part two of our glance into the advantages and abuse of hindsight. Was Churchill correct to say “we learn from history that we learn nothing from history”..?

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Selling by Walking Away

A Law is something that is always true. No exceptions. Do you remember Newton’s Laws of Physics? As a salesperson it is vital that you do or you will be missing out on plenty of sales

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Would you like to sell more at a higher margin?

Whether you are completely new to sales or have many years’ experience as a business owner, the Profit Secret reveals something that has been hiding in full view for years, something that frequently means we lose out on profit even though we win the sale.

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