
What changes in your organisation would create the greatest advantage for you?


The cost of getting the selection wrong could be as high as seven times the annual salary, if not more

Coach or Train

What skills do your people need to make the greatest sustainable improvement?

Servant Leadership

Fundamentally the servant leader does his utmost to meet the needs of others first. Can that work? Is that leadership as we know it?

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Personal Productivity: What’s Love Got to Do with It?

Would you be more productive personally by being selfish? Or does your personal productivity depends in large measure on your ability to get on with others?

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Managing Millennials

44% of Millennials expect to change jobs within two years, and more than two-thirds in three years’ time. Can you manage a Millennial? Can you hold on to them and their talent?

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How Artificial Intelligence Impacts Sales and Selling

With AI coming do we need Sales People any more?

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The Benefits of Assessment Centres in the Recruitment Process

Blog - The Benefits of Assessment Centres in the Recruitment Process

Interviews, as a method of recruitment are ineffective at finding successful candidates and getting recruitment wrong is very expensive. Are Selection or Assessment Centres any better?

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What Makes Communication Work?

Communication, it is the life-blood of your organization. Without it, people work to their own agenda. And yet we are so busy we avoid effective communication and hate meetings. Help!

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The Indispensable Skill of Every Manager

Most Managers get promoted from non-managerial positions because they have excelled as Non-Managers. This time-honoured path to promotion is a flawed one.

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How to Re-Engage the Disengaged

If you don’t know why employees become disengaged, then you’ll never re-engage them. Read on for six things: Three that encourage re-engagement and three that disengage people.

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Put a Sock in It

Sales people seldom admit that they talk too much. For prospects, it is their most common complaint. Read five ways to know you are over talking and what to do instead.

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