
What changes in your organisation would create the greatest advantage for you?


The cost of getting the selection wrong could be as high as seven times the annual salary, if not more

Coach or Train

What skills do your people need to make the greatest sustainable improvement?

How to Say, “Well Done!”

When was the last time you tracked someone down, looked them straight in the eye and said, “I just wanted to thank you for X.”? – How could we do this more effectively and more often?

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The Keys to Better Decisions

Blog - The Keys to Better Decisions

The Limitations & Usability of the Rational Decision-Making Model

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When Are Games Appropriate for Sales Teams?

Blog - When Are Games Appropriate for Sales Teams?

You shouldn’t be surprised that sales people who are typically naturally competitive have already devised games for what they do. Will another game to motivate them further?

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The Worst Month of the Year to Sell

If you’re looking for an excuse for not making your targets, then you’ll have no trouble finding one, simply blame it on the time of year; anytime. Or can you?

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Are Temps Worth It?

The UK has the highest number of temps in Europe. Just because we use them a lot, however, doesn’t mean that they’re a good thing, does it?

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Poor Performance: Why Appraisals Don’t Work, Pt 3

Blog - Poor Performance: Why Appraisals Don’t Work, Pt 3

How do managers abuse performance appraisals?

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Servant Leadership – A Calling

Anytime a new leadership method comes by, someone writes a book about it, then everyone jumps on board, tries it for a while, and then abandons it when the next one comes along. Is Servant Leadership going the same way?

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Poor Performance: Why Appraisals Don’t Work, Pt 2

This is the second article in our series on why performance appraisals fail to correct poor performance.

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Poor Performance: Why Appraisals Don’t Work, Pt 1

For decades, appraisals have been the tool of choice for the evaluation of employee performance generally over a year. We’re going to think about the damage that they do to organizational productivity and quality.

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What to say when you can’t trash your competition

If your USP is, or appears to be, “We’re solid gold compared to the cardboard cut-outs that we compete with,” then you won’t sell anything. So what can you say?

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Would you like to sell more at a higher margin?

Whether you are completely new to sales or have many years’ experience as a business owner, the Profit Secret reveals something that has been hiding in full view for years, something that frequently means we lose out on profit even though we win the sale.

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