How to Use Thin-Slicing to Increase Sales
It’s a cliché now to say that you only get one chance to make a first impression
A popular expression for this is “thinking without thinking”
How can you help them to do that?
- Make sure you’re well-groomed. That doesn’t mean short back and sides. It means making yourself presentable. For example, just because you’re mechanic doesn’t mean that you have to be dirty.
- Make sure that you’re approachable. That doesn’t mean that you smile so much that it looks like the stitches were left in from a recent facelift. But it does mean that you don’t look like you’re mad at the world, missed your breakfast, of ran over someone’s cat.
- Make sure that you’re humble. Apart from infrequent showers, nothing will drive people away faster than arrogance. If you seem to know it all, then no one will feel comfortable enough to offer his or her own opinion, and neither of them will even try to tell you what problems they’re trying to solve at work.
- Make sure that you give people your full attention. That means no phone, no saying “hi” to someone you know; no staring off into space or away from them. It’s a kind of British thing to not face one another when having a conversation; however if you do that, then it’s a lot easier to get distracted by what’s going on around you.
- Make sure that your body language is friendly. If you’re not sure what that looks like, then ask a few people you trust for their observations.
- Make sure that you shake hands in a conscientious manner. In other words, do so in a way that mirrors the other person. Reciprocate according what the other person does. If the person squeezes hard, you squeeze hard. Apart from keeping your fingers from breaking, it will give the other person confidence about you. If the handshake is weak, don’t feel that you have to be the knuckle-breaker. Just respond in kind. You’d be amazed at how few people are able to do this correctly.
- Speak clearly. If that means you have to practice reading Shakespeare out loud with marbles in your mouth, then visit your local toy store after you’ve finished reading this article. Some people have trouble hearing anyway. Don’t make it any more difficult than it needs to be.
Recognize that everyone you meet will be drawing conclusions about you before you say anything
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