
What changes in your organisation would create the greatest advantage for you?


The cost of getting the selection wrong could be as high as seven times the annual salary, if not more

Coach or Train

What skills do your people need to make the greatest sustainable improvement?

Which Competitor Threatens You the Most?

Which Competitor Threatens You the Most?

Which competitor threatens the success of your business the most?

If you’ve never thought about it, then there’s no time like the present. You don’t need to write this down. No one is going to know what you’re thinking except you. The point of this little exercise is to see who you thought of.

Now, think of someone that you know who works really hard on his or her business and yet isn't making progress

Pulling a door we should push just because it has a handle on it

Remind yourself of that person’s strengths and where improvements could be made, and picture what his or her business could look like if there was progress in those areas. What’s the problem? Why aren’t these changes being made? What is stopping him or her? Perhaps you’ve noticed that that person has a vision, developed a strategy, and has defined his or her role. May be that person is a life-long learner, too. And may be that person is the smartest one you know; certainly more knowledgeable than anyone else in your niche.

So what’s the problem?

How can someone with this much potential fail to notice where the most effective changes need to be made? The answer is in how he or she thinks. Consider this. Suppose that you needed to buy a car. And imagine that your circumstances were such that the purchase had to be entirely practical. There could be no Ferrari luxuries. How would you determine which one to buy? Manufacturer? Colour? Miles on the clock? Model? Warranty? CD system? Type of upholstery? The answer that you choose, whether from this list or something else, reflects how you think. The things that are the most important to you prove that. And the same thing happens in your business. There are things that you do or don’t do for reasons that seem legitimate to you; and they may well be. However, that doesn’t make them so.

We all of us are blind to our own weaknesses

We are all blind in to the bias behind our thinking. We inhibit and limit our own progress. And that means that WE are our own worst competitor. We threaten the success of our own businesses more than anyone or anything else. And that’s because we’ve learned to think about what we do, and what we need to do, in a particular way. In order to change that, in order to empower ourselves, so that we can make these improvements, we must find a way to shift our mental model of ourself, of our potential, of the people in our networks, and how we use our time and this combined talent.

We must change the way we think

What are you clinging to? What are your sacred cows? Where are you pulling as in the cartoon? When it is a push that is required. Probably because you see the 'pull handle' rather than a 'push plate' - if a door has a pull handle you are supposed to pull right? What we believe and what we see are connected and limit our thinking and therefore our behaviour. If you persist in thinking the way you always have, then the competitor that threatens you the most, is your own limiting beliefs, and that limiting belief - that thinking - will win in the end and is most likely winning right now...

Can you see what changes in your business would give you the greatest advantage? 

If not it might be time to ask us to take a look… Write to us here

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